If you have time and energy to share, we have opportunities with the VITA Tax Site, Stream Corps, and GED program. Learn more.
You can have a voice in CAD's work by joining the Participant Advisory Committee, Board of Directors, or supporting Community Action Month.
“Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help.”
— Heather French Henry
Giving your time and talent is something of tremendous value. We appreciate – beyond any sentiment we could possibly express – every minute and every hour you give to us. Our need for volunteers varies, so we recommend you contact a member of our staff to see about current opportunities.

Volunteer Opportunities
GED Tutors
Getting a GED certificate can open the door to a better job, promotions or even a higher education. We are looking for GED tutors to connect with participants and help them master GED essentials—math, grammar, reading comprehension. You can tutor in the area where you are strongest.
Sessions run Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5–7 p.m.
Contact us for more information at 218-726-1665 or info@communityactionduluth.org.

Free Tax Site
Volunteers helped 1,525 families claim almost $2.9 million in refunds last year. Our clients generally have little access to affordable, professional tax preparation. One hour of your time can put an average of $1,895 in the pockets of low- and moderate-income families and individuals.
Join us at the Free Tax Site where you’ll meet some great people and we’ll provide all the training you need. Learn more about volunteering and how to apply to help!
Contact us for more information at 218-726-1665 or info@communityactionduluth.org.

Amazing stories happen here every day. Help us keep telling them. Click the button below to give online.
Or mail a check made out to Community Action Duluth to
2424 W 5th St, Ste 102
Duluth, MN 55806
Do you want to make an in-kind donation, such as a car? Please contact us first.

Other Ways to Give
Estate Gifts and Bequests
Speak with your attorney or financial advisor to understand your best options, and please let us know your plans.
Community Action Board of Directors
Are you ready to take on an important leadership role in our Duluth community? Do you care about our work to eliminate poverty and want to become more engaged? The board of directors could be a fit for you.
Meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month at 5 PM. Complete this application and submit it to info@communityactionduluth.org if you are interested in being considered.

Participant Advisory Committee
Have you participated in Community Action Duluth programs in the past or are you a current participant? Do you care about our mission and want to influence our programs and decisions? Participant Advisory Committee might be a good fit for you. This is an opportunity for you to build your leadership skills in a safe and supportive setting. Many from the PAC have gone on to roles as board members. Read more about it here.

Community Action Month
May is Community Action Month, which is an opportunity to celebrate the work of Community Action Agencies. Each May, we have an awareness and fundraising campaign to spread the word and support our programs. We would be thrilled to have you or your business join in our work. Learn more here, and please reach out if you are interested in supporting us for Community Action Month.